Monday, May 16, 2005

the extra effort...

everyone goes through days when they are tired or exhausted physically, and this indirectly affects the way they think, and eventually the way they act or react...

while it may be very tempting to say whatever comes to the random intellect's thoughts, it becomes all the more important to take that extra effort in "not saying bad things about anyone, or not doing bad things to anyone"... it is a common belief that every person in this universe, is a selfish being to a certain extent, and this extent differs from one induvidual to another... just like the fact that it is SO EASY to break something but SO HARD to make/maintain something, people and relationships with them works the same way... at every step in the everyday life, it becomes so important to always do the right thing... and by doing the right thing, i mean, an action which does not affect another person in a direct or an indirect way as far as the knowledge of one's conscience is concerned...

1 comment:

BB said...

Iam not sure the coherency of the comment..but still its on here...

The term extra effort often comes in to the picture when you are down! That why when we are pushed to give that extra effort...most of the time keeping urself constrained works....

The extra effort word reminds me of MJ playing the ageme with some flu or one of the finals...and may be rated as one fo the best performances in NBA the PG interview...he said..all I know is what I had to do...and give that extra effort in doing it...!

When you know what u r doing...and u knnow where ur extra effort should go...I am sure u wudnt end up hurting anyone!