Saturday, July 21, 2007

do you...

do you respect pedestrian signals? or, do you just behave like those big-city-brutes who are so busy to even notice the stop-signal in front of them?

do you take care not to litter? or, do you just trash the world around you?

do you care not to be rude or harsh to people around you? or, do you come across as an arrogant egoistic person who is too good for fellow-beings?

did you take time today to be thankful for what you have, and to make that tiny yet positive difference in someone's life? try a smile...

"I used to think the God is Truth... But I realized that the Truth is God" - M K Gandhi...

"For all theists, God is Love... For those atheists, Love is God" - Anonymous...

Thursday, July 12, 2007

a few random thoughts...

ever thought why it gets so silent and uncomfortable while in a slow elevator with a bunch of strangers who would not look up to see you in the eyes? try some office elevators...

ever tried to cross a pedestrian walkway in a crowded parking lot, when no one wants to yield to you despite you trying to help out a senior citizen cross the road? try walking in parking lots in the Bay Area, CA...

ever gone to a X-Mart, stood in an endless line only for an irritant rep at the counter show her sick attitude on you and yelling at you for bringing an item without its price tag stuck on to it? try going to a 24-hour X-Mart at some 11-PM or so...

ever tried to walk on a sidewalk when you are not only expected to speed-walk, but are abused and called names merely for slowing down or stopping? try going to a city which also has the same name as its state...

a popular quote goes:

Live in NYC but get out before it makes you too hard... Live in Northern California but get out before it makes you too soft...

have you given your thought some food today?

Monday, July 09, 2007

One drop at a time...

The oceans are vast and deep, but what makes them so are the induvidual drops that they are made of...

Have you ever yielded to a pedestrian and looked into their eyes to feel their gratitude? Have you taken time to talk to that friend of yours who needed a minute of yours, to open up and share? Have you controlled your temptation to pickup a fight when there was enough reason yet not enough value on a heated debate over a sales counter?

Have you ever shared or lended anything close to you, to someone in dire need? Have you ever thought of all the poor and hungry people when you have a meal, and been thankful for what you have to eat?

Where does social responsibility end, and personal responsibility begin? Ever wondered how the world would be if each of us had this personal moral responsibility to live humane, be it toward fellow-humans or not?

Oh those horizons...

The hopes they bring...

If not for these drops, where would we get...

If not one drop at a time, how would we sail...

One drop at a time...

Is all it takes!!!