Monday, May 16, 2005

the extra effort...

everyone goes through days when they are tired or exhausted physically, and this indirectly affects the way they think, and eventually the way they act or react...

while it may be very tempting to say whatever comes to the random intellect's thoughts, it becomes all the more important to take that extra effort in "not saying bad things about anyone, or not doing bad things to anyone"... it is a common belief that every person in this universe, is a selfish being to a certain extent, and this extent differs from one induvidual to another... just like the fact that it is SO EASY to break something but SO HARD to make/maintain something, people and relationships with them works the same way... at every step in the everyday life, it becomes so important to always do the right thing... and by doing the right thing, i mean, an action which does not affect another person in a direct or an indirect way as far as the knowledge of one's conscience is concerned...

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

moments of silence...

life in a crowded environment can sometimes lead one to long for a few moments of peace and quiet... infact, one could even start believing that time and silence are the most craved aspects of life... in order for one not to get saturated with the everyday-life would be to be balanced... a good balance between time with people and time with one's self, is usually the best way to get the best of both worlds...

it is said that for a healthy living, one needs to COMPLETELY relax one's mind for a few minutes every day, without having to think of anything... almost getting blanked out... however, this obviously is so difficult for us to practice in real life, due to the restless minds of ours which are often preoccupied with so many random thoughts that they are capable of getting intrigued upon...

those moments of silence, when one reflects with one's self... are probably the most important moments defining someone's personality... whether one gets to become more stronger mentally or weaker emotionally, at the end of the day, it sure does make one realize what are the most important priiorities in one's life...

Friday, May 06, 2005

the importance of courtesy

how many times have you come across books that talk about Customer Service or books that offer advice on how to be courteous to a customer or client? the answer would be atleast MANY if not ALWAYS... how often have you ever wondered and thought about it from the other side? how many times are customers actually courteous to the people who offer them service? personal experience coupled with feedback from a lot of my friends, point me to the fact that not often would a customer actually take the time to really appreciate the service being offered to them, although there is a price for everything. when I say there is a price for everything, I mean that this is a material world that we are living in, and everything revolves on how much money one has and how much one does not. is this problem with the customers inherent OR is it just that they do not even think for a moment about this?

if one introspects the REALLY happy people in this world, it would be more often than not the case that they are all simple minded people who work from their hearts. Sure, money to life is like a healthy body to a healthy mind. but people and basic courtesy come first, ahead of everything else. the value of education is not in all those textbooks that one may read to get through all those tests and grades, but is infact in things like these, where an educated person must be able to distinguish clearly between cultured and uncultured behaviour at a social as well as an inter-personal level.