Saturday, January 24, 2009

Influence and expressions...

It is quite amazing to think about how we think. Depending on the kind of personality we have, and the level of Ego that we possess, we are moulded as how we are. A lot depending on factors such as the environment growing up, family, friends, education, place of education, and people who influence our minds while growing up... Probably since South India (where I was brought up) is a little more conservative in its thought process than most other parts of the world, I was well sheilded from a lot of negative influences that often plague kids growing up elsewhere... While it would not be accurate to describe my experiences and actions as completely perfect, I definitely got more that what I could have hoped for. Loving family, Excellent schooling, Fun loving and bratty friends, and my wannabe-nerdy self... I used to always think that the entire world thought like me, and the entire world acted like how I would act in any situation... But I was just naive and ignorant I guess...

There was a time when I had to lay an exclamation point to an arguement I was having with my brother. I wanted to convey that he was wrong in his ways about some specific thing. When I relayed that information, contrary to my expectation my point went unnoticed and left untaken. An uncle of mine who has been an inspiration to a lot of my family members while growing up, came up to me and said "Its not just what you try to say... Even if you say things for the Good, you need to say it in a Good way for it to actually be taken seriously"... So I thought to myself at that point, if I had expressed my viewpoint in a different way (positively), it would have definitely been taken well and maybe even followed. As for exactly what it was, that I do not remember, but the bigger thing I got out of it was my uncle's way of thinking, and the influence it had on me as a person...

1 comment:

Sriram said...

Try the sandwich feedback.. :) any course on management or people skills would tell you when you deal with Humans ;) you dont tell them u suck at something... u always start by saying.. u r very good at this.. but you could improve at something else... but still u r good at the first thing.. easier said than done.. lately i realise that i have a lot to improve on that ;-)