Wednesday, March 15, 2006

somewhere down the lane...

a few years back in my memory lanes, at a space observatory in the largest state within the united states of america, there were a few moments of introspection, that has haunted my thoughts ever since...

this is about a simple philosophy about which someone once said
'its funny but as kids we all desire to become grown-ups, and as adults we all
desire to return to innocence and become kids' - anonymous

how true are those words... while a bunch of us were happily enjoying the demonstration given the lead physicist at the observatory that day, seldom did any of us adults realize that we were merely going through a mindless drill of been-there-done-that routine... until one small kid started a series questions asked by a set of kids in that group... at the end of it, the physicist did make it a point to sweetly but surely let us all know that the strength that lies in the courage of a kid's innocent question, can never be attained by the ever-diminishing quest for knowledge in adults, mainly contributed due to the ever-inflating ego growing within them to huge extents...

a pompous lifestyle, and a stereo-typic so-called high-society life, is one of few things that suffocate me when i imagine how dark it must be out there, in the minds of those mindless people... flying thousands of miles across oceans for business meetings, being amongst the richest people in the world, or even being THE most celebrated personality in the world, is of absolutely no use if we do not learn to live life in its truest sense and see the world with those inquisitive and innocent eyes of the mind... the day we think we know, starts our downfall... (ofcourse, this is assuming that the thin line across the confidence-issue is already crossed over...)...

people inspire me, as well as make me feel sorry sometimes... the greats are often the silent ones, while the ones making all the noise more often than not, turn out to be charlatans... this may be a sensitive topic to open up on, but organized forms of preached-philosophies coupled with fear-driven religion is something that i totally cannot accept personally... this being a whole topic in itself, would just leave it open-ended for the moment...


Jyothsana Chandramohan said...

"the greats are often the silent ones, while the ones making all the noise more often than not, turn out to be charlatans."

Its not good to generalize. Who knows, the silent one might be quielty trying to plot aganist you and turn out to be a charlatan

Jyothsana Chandramohan said...

The "High Society Life" suffocates because of lack of human feelings, (I aint gettng the right word for it, but hope you got the message)love etc.
I think at some point even love suffocates one.

Arvind M Venugopal said...

jyotsna: was not generalizing... but if you observe more closely, was trying to say 'often' and 'more often than not'... remember that exceptions are not examples... and i think if there is anything in this world that is NOT suffocating by any wildest of means, then it HAS TO BE "LOVE"... love is what keeps everyone going... maybe for something, for someone, for a cause, for a goal, for a passion, for self, for the fellow being...

Jyothsana Chandramohan said...

First its Jyothsana. Cant stand any oral versions of my name but not written.Immunity will build up in due course,it seems.
Exceptions can be examples but not the other way.
At some point love does choke, or atleast when fear is attached to it.

Arvind M Venugopal said...

jyoTHsna: no offense intended...

by the way, i believe that there is a certain magic in love, and if someone is unable to accept it, what they are looking at may not even be what i'm referring to in the first place!

anyways, v all hold our own opinions on matters, and everyone's cup of tea maybe different... as a chinese proverb says 'one man's food is another man's poison'...

Jyothsana Chandramohan said...
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Jyothsana Chandramohan said...

..Lol..just kidding, my name is invariably misspelt and mispronounceed. Evn my granny gets it wrong..stick to jyo!
That aside, I dont deny the lack of magic in love.I would rather refer to it as the function of 'pheromones'. What say? We can discuss more, if you want.

True on the opinions part. Yeah, though I am an egalitarian, I do believe in diversity of opinion.

Damn! I sound like an Indian politician just before the election.