oh those countless hours... spent in front of the television... while they seemed to be lost in the calculations of our 'well-spent' time, are often only observed by a third-eye...
imagine an everage person in the coprorate world, and his/her biggest complain... 'i dont have any time'... while it may sound reasonable to agree to a certain extent based on their perspective, philosophy and thought-process behind it, it only seems a lame excuse for not being able to find a suitable answer in the long run... a related line of thought would lead us to the question 'how many of us do REALLY consider doing the things for the sake of REALLY doing them? and how many of us keep trying to do things for the sake of the incentives associated with the actions?'... a principle-oriented work-routine could be a good start... 'buy a man a fish, and he'll survive a day... teach him how to fish, and he'll survive for a lifetime...'
inspiration is almost always drawn from others, by seeing how 'other' people live... a classic example: if an MLK had looked only to draw inspiration from others, he probably would not have been the GREAT person he was... instead he chose to draw it from within as well, and serve a purpose in his lifetime, one which could only be cherished for the times to come forever...
i've seen people who work up to the specified minute and leave right when the clock strikes, and have also seen people who take projects as personal challenges and consider them as objectives in the true sense... ofcourse both extremes would be a combination of personal choices and corporate culture in organizations... the point is: at what point does one need to work for an incentive, and at what point does one work for a mere passion for something?
the 'big picture' would probably be different for different people... but lets just say that there could be some common denominators that apply to everyone like 'volunteering' for a noble cause... while many of us tend to think of it at most times, only few of us have the privilege and joy of actually getting to implement... the key is to 'think' and then to sincerely 'try' to make a difference...
"oh those countless hours... spent in front of the television..."
er......replace television by "Idiot Box" or "Idiots'Box". Both ways sounds true.
"...work for an incentive...,work for a passion"
What if a passion for the work is CULTIVATED for the incentive.
Meaningless existence, both ways.
idiot box - whoever termed it that way, must have given it a lot of thought, and also considered the fact that he/she himself/herself was the personification of a typical consumer... in any case, its something like all the non-vegetarian eaters out there facing tireless protests by extreme veggie-activists... it becomes pointless beyond a certain extent trying to be in denial about not getting sucked into the system - although one can ALWAYS make that personal choice to reduce if not avoid it all...
its only good if passion's cultivated irrespective of the intent, as long as its not harmful to another person or being... after all, corporates work on a mutually beneficial relationship with employees and are only happy to oblige if they can find those kind of people who can cultivate a passion for their work...
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