Thursday, September 15, 2005

the side of the greener grass...

A Beautiful Indian Sunset,
From My Trip, August 2005...

the grass is always greener on the other side...

it is such a misleading proverb that more often than not people tend to overlook the greenery on their side of the river... on one side, imagine what would be the result of having the greener grass on your side... a boosted ego resulting in a built-up superiority complex? an attitude to not just be arrogant but also to look down on the other side? on the other side, imagine the result of having the grass greener on the other side, always... a modest outlook to life? something to look forward to, almost every single time, even if one succeeds completely(again, a relative term)? getting the big picture is as important as attention to the inner details of things...


Tulipmania said...

You're a beautiful writer. Do you write for a living as well as on your journal?
I live your perspective on what's important in life....I agree with you on so many things.

Arvind M Venugopal said...


i do not write for a living, but at this point write only in my journal... thanks a lot for the compliments :)

BB said...

I always understood this proverb this way!

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.


You use this proverb to say that the things other people have or their situations always look better than your own,
even when they are not really so.

Its a way to tell that comparison doesnt make any sense..always do your best! Isnt it?

nyways nice post!

Jyothsana Chandramohan said...

Greener Grass on the other side in a way may be modesty, but in more ways than one,jealousy.
It is about wanting to have the best of it all.Dont you think this is what makes people (yes, all of us) selfish?
When the grass is greener on OUR side, we dont become arrogant and deveop a complex of superiority,rather become complacent being thankful for what is rightly bestowed on us.

Jyothsana Chandramohan said...

"getting the big picture is as important as attention to the inner details of things..."
Yes, the devil IS in the details.